You have a lot of extra stress everyday simply because there’s a mess everywhere. You feel like you don’t make any progress because of the clutter but never seem to get through it because it’s so overwhelming. It’s a common problem we all struggle with to some extent but you don’t have to stay stressed out because of clutter.
You’re losing time and money by constanly searching for things, buying duplicates, not getting things done because it’s too hard to find or put away… the kids keep adding to the chaos… So how do we get off the hamster wheel of constant mess?
This declutter and organization strategy box gives you the tips to find a method that works specifically for you that you can maintain. You’ll have the tips for how to deal with all the toys and overflowing cabinet. The difference is that you don’t just do a declutter challenge that wears off in a couple months. You’ll have all the tools to maintain and the reminder calendar of what to stay on top of each month to ensure you don’t get completely buried in clutter again.
Here’s what you’ll get in your declutter & organization strategy box:
4 methods of decluttering guide
decluttering and organization tips room by room
clutter free maintenance schedule yearly calendar
weekly calendar to schedule decluttering
custom clipboard and pen
organization mini bins
a fun pair of earrings to wear while you organize ;)
email and Facebook group support
Don’t let the mess continue to cause anxiety in your home, that’s supposed to be where you can rest. You’re one declutter strategy box away from feeling proud of the transformation to a more organized home…
This is a one-time purchase and not a part of the monthly subscription.